Dr. med. Babrak Kasi

specialist in internal and general medicine
emergency medicine - naturopathic treatment

Dr. med. B. Kasi


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Practice Services


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Practice Services

General Physical Examination and Treatment (Check-up):

Treatment and consulting as result of diagnostic evaluation of health problems and referral to specialist

Laboratory diagnostics (blood, stool, urine)

EKG – Test (Routine exam with stress exercise electrocardiogram, 24 hour ambulatory
ECG monitoring, 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring)

Lung Function Tests

Abdominal Ultrasound Exam

(Complete Checkup and Consulting Package for new patients can be completed in two appointments that requires a total of 5 hours)

Special Physical Health Examination and Treatment

Preoperative Evaluation

Emergency Medicine

Vaccinations and advice (according to STIKO regulations for Germany)

Wound Care

Minor surgery (acute wound care) and post-operative care

Cancer Screenings for Men

Skin cancer screening

Nutritional counseling

Sport fitness examinations

Psychosomatic primary care

Alternative and Holistic Heath Treatment (Naturopathy)

Vitalization (Lifestyle Change Program)

Immune System stimulation (Autohemotherapy / Self Blood Therapy)

Vitamin Infusion (B & C)

Natural Pain Relive (Neutral Therapy)

Acupuncture Treatment

Infusion Therapy for

Treatment of severe pain

Susceptibility to infections

Immune deficiency

Discomfort in joints, skeletal and muscular area